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Partnership with Engineers Without Borders

Computerbank recently provided laptops to Engineers Without Borders (Victoria Region). The Engineers showed young people from Northern Victoria how to create a GPS tracker for turtle research. The Broad shell turtle is the totem for Yorta Yorta nation…

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Recycle your used Toner Cartridges at Computerbank

Toner recycling boxes are located inside Computerbank’s front door. Next time you drop off some recycling bring along your used toner cartridges as well. When full the Planet Ark boxes are collected by Close the Loop for processing at…

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90 Year Old uses a Computerbank Computer

Mr Hooper visited our shop recently to check the computer he bought from us in 2012.  The problem wasn’t our refurbished computer, it turned out the problem was that his 3G Internet network connection kept dropping out. The…

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19″ LCD Screens from $20. Come and grab a bargain!

For a limited time we are selling 19″ and smaller LCD screens to anyone! Normally these screens are only sold to concession card holders and community groups. The cost for people without concession cards, the screens are 50%…

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Computerbank is also on Ebay

Computerbank on Ebay

Computerbank sells equipment on Ebay that is not useful for low income or community groups. These items may be bulky, faulty, vintage, enterprise level, one of a kind or end of life equipment. Laptops listed have issues or…

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